Elon Musk and Tesla had 100 days to build the world’s largest battery in South Australia. And they just did – but now comes the real test.…
This floating wind farm is the first in the world – and a big win for renewables
Scotland is well on its way to running on 100% renewable energy after pioneering a new technology: the world’s first commercial floating wind farm.…
Energy security: There’s more work to do under the National Energy Guarantee
Successfully establishing energy security under the new National Energy Guarantee will all hinge on getting the details right, say industry experts.…
Here’s how we can put green infrastructure to work for water sensitive cities
In the world’s driest inhabited continent, a bit of greenery seems like a luxury in the height of summer. But one Australian engineer is looking at green infrastructure as a way get plants growing in …
Why are timber buildings suddenly becoming more popular?
No longer relegated to ‘structures of a certain size’, timber buildings are making a comeback – and moving up in the world.…
New system promises to address cost, safety concerns of energy storage tech
Energy storage technologies are a hot topic, but we need to address cost effectiveness and safety.…
Renewable energy has a storage problem. Is more pumped hydro the solution?
Pumped hydro is a cost-effective alternative for energy storage to offset fluctuations in renewable energy supply, and it’s primed to take off in Australia.…
Australia the latest to join international nuclear fusion efforts
Australia’s nuclear agency will lend its expertise to an international nuclear fusion organisation to find the “Holy Grail” of energy production.…
New research promises to radically reduce carbon emissions by 2050
Reducing the cost of implementing carbon capture and storage technologies will be the primary aim of new Melbourne laboratories.…
The developing world is brimming with water and sanitation projects
An Australian engineer is helping provide water and sanitation to areas of Papua New Guinea that are still feeling the effects of the last El Nino cycle.…